Freedom of speech or censorship

Since the birth of our civilization, the human race has had the necessity to communicate themselves with other people, other cultures.  This exchange of words, thoughts and cultures it had to be free because there were nothing to fight for, such as food, or power into the ancestral society. Nowadays, this has changed and it has caused a lot of politic debate.
If I had to be in one side of the opinions of the freedom of speech, I would be at the side who’s
in favour of it. I think anyone, without depending of the color of the skin or the nationality or the
age, can say whatever they wanna say. This whatever, includes the monarchy, the presidents,
and all the “tabu” themes such as the drogues or the racism. If we focus ourselves in Spain,
we’ll see that here, we cannot say whatever we wanna say. One of two months ago, one spanish
man was arrested because he wrote a song criticising the monarchy, and he’s in the tribunals
now. If we look into other countries such as USA, we can see that during its history, people
claimed the human and civil rights, that they weren’t given because of the race, because they
were “afroamericans”.

If we think about the censorship, we can see that it has changed too. In the ancestral times
there wasn’t any censorship, but now it’s increasing. In the times of Franco, when Spain was a
dictatorship here, in Catalonia they cannot speak catalan and in schools, the principal language
that was taught was the spanish. Nowadays, the censorship is not as visible as in Franco times,
but it’s there. In the social media such as Tv3, they cannot publish whatever they like and with
all that’s happening now in Catalonia (independence, 1-O…), the things that TV3 publish are
previously analyzed by the spanish government.


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