Catalan Referendum 2017

  • What shocked you/at me?
  • What's the most important thing in your/my opinion?
  • What is your favourite headline?And why?
  • Can you say something about whay happened recently in Catalonia?

The thing that shocked me the first time I saw it was the violence of the "Policía Nacional" or the "Guardia Civil" against the catalan citizens. When I saw for the first time those videos of Sant Julià de Ramis or Girona I thought: What kind of country is that? People thrown by the stairs! People with broken bones, little boys with theirs faces with lots of blood... What's this? Is this a kind of dictatorship or what?

The most important thing in my opinion is the attitude of the catalan against the forces of the law. All theese people were with the hands up and with no violence! If the citizens were with the hands up why the police did all the violence that they did? Why? And how people can kick and hurt some other people? Both are persons!

My favourite headline is"What happens next"? This resumes what I'm thinking at the moment.

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